ParseのiOSのドキュメントを読んでみたメモ (2)#ハツカソンの続き

January 20, 2015

ParseのiOSのドキュメントを読んでみたメモ(1) #ハツカソン - Morizotter Blogの続き。公開メモ。公開したほうがモチベーションが上がるので、、、。


Relational Queries


// Assume PFObject *myPost was previously created. PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@“Comment”]; [query whereKey:@“post” equalTo:myPost];

[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *comments, NSError *error) { // comments now contains the comments for myPost }];

Caching Queries


Parse provides several different cache policies:

kPFCachePolicyIgnoreCache The query does not load from the cache or save results to the cache. kPFCachePolicyIgnoreCache is the default cache policy. kPFCachePolicyCacheOnly The query only loads from the cache, ignoring the network. If there are no cached results, that causes a PFError. kPFCachePolicyNetworkOnly The query does not load from the cache, but it will save results to the cache. kPFCachePolicyCacheElseNetwork The query first tries to load from the cache, but if that fails, it loads results from the network. If neither cache nor network succeed, there is a PFError. kPFCachePolicyNetworkElseCache The query first tries to load from the network, but if that fails, it loads results from the cache. If neither network nor cache succeed, there is a PFError. kPFCachePolicyCacheThenNetwork The query first loads from the cache, then loads from the network. In this case, the callback will actually be called twice - first with the cached results, then with the network results. Since it returns two results at different times, this cache policy cannot be used synchronously with findObjects.


Subclassing PFObject

  • サブクラスにするためには

    1. PFSubclassingプロトコルに準拠する
    2. parseClassNameクラスメソッドを作る
    3. .mファイルにPFObject+Subclassをインポートする
    4. [YourClass registerSubclass]setApplicationId:clientKey:の前にコールする。
  • サブクラスにした時は、プロパティに対応して.mファイルに@dynamicを書いておく。


The PFFile

  • イメージや、ドキュメントやビデオや音楽などを保存するときに使う。
  • up to 10 megabytes


let str = “Working at Parse is great!” let data = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) let file = PFFile(name:“resume.txt”, data:data) file.saveInBackground()


let str = “Working at Parse is great!” let data = str.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) let file = PFFile(name:“resume.txt”, data:data) file.saveInBackgroundWithBlock { (succeeded: Bool!, error: NSError!) -> Void in // Handle success or failure here … }, progressBlock: { (percentDone: Int) -> Void in // Update your progress spinner here. percentDone will be between 0 and 100. }



Parseのコンソール上で設定した値を受け取れる。よい。Fetchに失敗したら、[PFConfig currentConfig]で端末のに保存してある値が利用される。

NSLog(“Getting the latest config…”); PFConfig.getConfigInBackgroundWithBlock { (var config: PFConfig!, error: error!) -> Void in if (!error) { NSLog(“Yay! Config was fetched from the server.“) } else { NSLog(“Failed to fetch. Using Cached Config.”) config = PFConfig.currentConfig() }

var welcomeMessage: NSString? = config[“welcomeMessage”] as? NSString if welcomeMessage == nil { NSLog(“Falling back to default message.”) welcomeMessage = “Welcome!”; }

NSLog(“Welcome Message = %@”, welcomeMessage!) }];

Crash Reporting




  • Parse CLIってのがあるみたい。いい!

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Written by morizotter who lives and works in Tokyo building useful things. You should follow them on Twitter